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about dating your spouse!

❤  Changing date at a time! 

Studies show "routine date nights" with your significant other can foster better communication, build attachment, increase appreciation of relationship & spouse, increase intimacy, increase affection, & improve sex...PLUS decrease stress, loneliness, bitterness, resentment, and anger!

Here are the research-based reasons why

dating your spouse/sweetheart

is important for you two to take seriously:

You’ll each be happier & feel like 

you matter!

When you spend time each week with your sweetheart, you let them know they matter to you and you know they’re prioritizing you, too.

 [The effects of this have been measured. With couples who spend date time with their spouse every week, women are 4x happier and men are 2.5x happier than couples who don’t.]

You’ll be 

divorce-proofing your marriage!

This may seem obvious, but couples who don’t have at least one meaningful connection a week with their mate are more likely to contemplate divorce than those who do. 

[Women are 4x more likely to initiate divorce and men are 2.5x more prone to initiate divorce when compared to couples who regularly take time every week to connect.]

Your sex life will be better & more satisfying!

When you make the investment to consistently spend time together every week, you’ll feel closer to your mate and you’ll find them more attractive too.

 [This combination makes for great sex! The research shows that sexual satisfaction is 3.3x greater for men and is 3.5x greater for women simply because of making the commitment to connect with each other every week.]

brought to you by the Date Your Sole Mate program @TheLoveRelationshop

This Weekly Routine Is Statistically Proven to Save Your Relationship

by Sam Benson Smith  @ Readers Digest Updated: Aug. 22, 2017

Keeping a relationship healthy is like walking a tightrope: it requires balance, years of practice, and is frequently performed in front of a large, carnival-attending crowd. Actually, scratch that last part.

Schedules can be hectic, and if you’re raising kids, you barely have enough time to sleep, let alone give your relationship plenty of extra love. But a new study from the University of Virginia has found that designating a slot of time each week for “date night” can work wonders for keeping a relationship healthy.

4 Reasons to Put Date Night on Your Calendar -- In Ink!

By Winifred M. Reilly, MA, MFT, Contributor  [Marriage and Family therapist, author of the book, It Takes One to Tango]

Aug 12, 2014, 12:15 PM EDT | Updated Dec 6, 2017

Whether you've been married five weeks, five years, or even five decades, date night is a ritual you should regularly observe. This is hardly a news flash. Yet, if you're like most couples, you'll read it, you'll note it, and then you'll ignore it.

Date Night: How Many Parents Are Actually Taking One?

By Anisa Arsenault [Associate Editor]--Updated  August 6, 2020

A whopping 88 percent of parents surveyed said they feel more attracted to their partner after a date. And even though most couples are spending at least two to three hours together a day, 60 percent indicate they wish they spent more time together.

This Is How Many Date Nights You Need for a Successful Marriage

by Andrea Fowler Updated Apr 12, 2019

Excerpt from article:

Harry Benson from the Marriage Foundation and Steve McKay from the University of Lincoln studied a group of almost 10,000 couples with a young child to find out what date-night habits the most successful couples had in common. 

The groups were monitored over the next 10 years, and turns out, the couples who had date nights once a month had the highest odds of staying together compared with the other groups. But that was only true for married couples, not couples who simply lived together (cohabiting couples).

8 Ways to Date Your Spouse

David's Bridal's BLOGPOST

Here are some great ways to date your spouse from David's Bridal's BLOGPOST!  Click at the bottom to go to the full article.

1. Make Time… No Matter What

2. Have Good Talks

3. Get Creative

4. Make Errands into Dates

5. Be OK with Cheap

6. Be Active Together

7. Be Sexy

8. Do Overnight Dates

Top 20 Deathbed Regrets

Interestingly enough, when people are dying, they are NOT saying they wish they  had worked harder or longer.  Most regrets are about not being their true selves and not LOVING they way they wished they had.  

When you look back on your life...what might YOU regret?


I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

I wish that I had let myself be happier.

You still have time for YOUR happily ever after!

Start to UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE  life today!

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